The Integration Of Baseball:The Challenge Of Jackie Robinson
                                                      Works Cited

Coombs, Karen Mueller. Jackie Robinson:  baseball's civil rights legend. Springfield, NJ : Enslow Publishers, 1997. Print.

Dorinson, Joseph, and Joram Warmund. Jackie Robinson:  race, sports, and the American dream. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1998. Print.

Raatma, Lucia. Jackie Robinson  . Minneapolis, Minn.: Compass point books, 2001. Print.

Sanford, William R., and Carl R. Green. Jackie Robinson  . New York: Crestwood House ;, 1992. Print.

"The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. Jim Crow Stories | PBS." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. <>.

Ward, Geoffrey C., and Ken Burns. Baseball:  an illustrated history. New York: A.A. Knopf :, 1994. Print.

 formatting by

This shows the type of balls that the Negro leagues used